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Hats Hat

Hats Protocol

How DAOs get things done

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Contributing
  3. Hats Protocol Docs
  4. License
  5. Contact

About The Project

Hats Protocol is a protocol for DAO-native roles and credentials that supports revocable delegation of authority and responsibility.

Hats are represented on-chain by non-transferable tokens that conform to the ERC1155 interface. An address with a balance of a given Hat token "wears" that hat, granting them the responsibilities and authorities that have been assigned to the Hat by the DAO.


For information on Hats Protocol versions and deployments, see Releases.

Security Audits

This project has received two security audits, listed below. See the audits directory for the detailed reports.

AuditorReport DateReview Commit HashNotes
Trust SecurityFeb 23, 202360f07dfReport also includes findings from Hats Protocol audit
SherlockMay 3, 2023fafcfdReport also includes findings from Hats Protocol audit


See for details on how to contribute.

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Hats Protocol Docs

Table of Contents

  1. Authorities in Hats Protocol
  2. Hats Logic
  3. ERC1155 Compatibility
  4. Wearing a Hat
  5. Hat Admins
  6. Addressable Hat Ids
  7. Eligibility
  8. Toggle
  9. Hat Mutability
  10. Hat Image URIs
  11. Creating a Hat
  12. Minting a Hat
  13. Transferring a Hat
  14. Hat Tree Grafting
  15. Renouncing a Hat

Authorities in Hats Protocol

One way to think about a Hat is as a primitive that creates a substrate onto which a DAO can attach authorities (e.g., access rights) and responsibilities via other tools (e.g., token-gating platforms).

Hats Protocol itself does not define mechanisms for how such authorities and responsibilities are associated with a Hat. All such associations are created external to the protocol.

Here are a few examples of how a DAO might confer authorities and responsibilities to a Hat:

AuthorityHow is it attached to the Hat?
Signer on a multisigUsing the Hat's ERC1155-similar token as a condition for membership in a Metropolis Pod
Admin of the DAO's Github repoUsing the Hat's ERC1155-similar token as a condition for access via Lit Protocol
Leadership of a working groupA social expectation

In each case, the DAO uses a separate tool to attach the authority to the Hat.

Hats is designed to be highly composable -- it will work with any tool, application, or protocol that can interact with the ERC1155 interface. Further, it allows any number of such authorities or responsibilities to be attached to a single Hat, which greatly simplifies the process for DAOs of revoking those authorities as well as the process of role handoff.

Exception: Hat Admins

Hat admins are the one (very important!) exception to the rule that authorities are external to the Hats Protocol. Refer to the Admins section below for more details.

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ERC1155 Compatibility

Hats Protocol conforms fully to the ERC1155 interface. All external functions required by the ERC1155 standard are exposed by Hats Protocol. This is how Hats can work out of the box with existing token-gating applications.

However, Hats Protocol is not fully compliant with the ERC1155 standard. Since Hats are not transferable by their owners (aka "wearers"), there is little need for safe transfers and the ERC1155TokenReceiver logic. Developers building on top of Hats Protocol should note that mints and transfers of Hats will not, for example, include calls to onERC1155Received.

To avoid confusion, Hats Protocol does not claim to be ERC1155-compliant. Instead, we say that Hats Protocol has "ERC1155-similar" tokens. When referring specifically to the ERC1155 interface, however, we do say that Hats Protocol conforms fully.

Hats Logic

Each Hat has several properties:

  • id - the integer identifier for the Hat, which also serves as the ERC1155-similar token id (see three paragraphs below)
  • details - metadata about the Hat; such as a name, description, and other properties like roles and responsibilities associated with the Hat. Should not exceed 7,000 characters.
  • maxSupply - the maximum number of addresses that can wear the Hat at once
  • admin - the Hat that controls who can wear the Hat
  • eligibility - the address that controls eligibility criteria and whether a given wearer of the Hat is in good standing
  • toggle - the address that controls whether the Hat is active
  • mutable - whether the hat's properties can be changed by the admin
  • imageURI - the URI for the image used in the Hat's ERC1155-similar token. Should not exceed 7,000 characters.

For more information on each property, refer to the detailed sections below.

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Wearing a Hat

The wearer of a given Hat is assigned the authorities and responsibilities associated with the Hat.

A wearer's status relating to a given Hat is determined by three factors. All three must be true.

  1. Whether their address has a balance (of 1) of the Hat's token
  2. Whether the Hat is active (see the Toggle section for more detail)
  3. Whether they are eligible (see the Eligibility section for more detail)

All of these factors are reflected in the Hats.balanceOf function, which will return 0 if any of the factors are false.

Any address can wear a Hat, including:

  • Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs)
  • Logic contracts (i.e., contracts with explicit logic codified within functions), or
  • Governance contracts (e.g., DAOs, multisigs, etc.)

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Hat Admins

The admin of every Hat is another Hat. This means that the authority to perform admin functions for a given Hat is assigned to the wearer of its admin Hat.

The scope of authority for a Hat's admin is to determine who can wear it. This is reflected in the ability to create the Hat and to mint or (for mutable Hats) transfer the Hat's token.

Hatter Contracts

Logic contracts that serve as admins are informally known as "hatter" contracts. These are contracts that implement specific logic or rules. The admin of a hatter contract is the true admin, but has delegated said admin authority to the logic embedded in the hatter.

Hatter contract logic is a wide design space for DAOs. Here are some examples of hatter logic:

  • Wearer eligibility - Enforce certain requirements that prospective wearers must meet in order to wear a given Hat, such as membership in a DAO or holding some token(s).
  • Wearer staking - One particularly important type of eligibility requirement is staking tokens, DAO shares, or some other asset as a bond that could be slashed if the wearer is not a good steward of the accountabilities associated with the Hat, or does not follow through on its associated responsibilities.
  • Hat creation - Allow certain addresses -- such as members of a DAO -- to create Hats that are then admin'd by the DAO.
  • Hat minting - Allow certain addresses -- such as members of a DAO -- to mint Hat tokens. Together with the above, a DAO could in this way enable its members to create and wear a certain type of Hat permissionlessly. This would be especially if using Hats to facilitate role clarity and legibility.

Hat Trees

The ability of a Hat to be an admin of other Hats creates the possibility for a "tree" of Hats, a structure of Hats serving as admins of other Hats. This is useful because it enables a DAO to snip off, but not destroy, a rogue branch by revoking the offending Hat. It could then re-assign that admin Hat to another wearer.

Within a given branch of a hat tree, Hats closer to the root of the tree have admin authorities for Hats further down the branch. This is consistent with the direction of delegation of authority for DAOs, and combats the tendency for accountability to dilute as delegated authorities reach the edges of a network.


Tophats are the one exception to the rule that a Hat's admin must be another hat. A Tophat is a Hat that serves as its own admin.

The root of a Hat tree is always a Tophat. Typically, a DAO will wear the Tophat that serves as admin for the tree of Hats related to the DAO's operations.

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Addressable Hat Ids

Hat ids are uint256 bitmaps that create an "address" — more like an web or IP address than an Ethereum address — that includes information about the entire branch of admins for a given hat.

The 32 bytes of a hat's id are structured as follows:

  • The first 4 bytes are reserved for the top hat id. Since top hat ids are unique across a given deployment of Hats Protocol, we can also think of them as the top level "domain" for a hat tree.
  • Each of the next chunks of 16 bits refers to a single "Hat Level".

This means there are 15 total hat levels, beginning with the top hat at level 0 and going up to level 14. A hat at level 6 will have 6 admins in its branch of the tree, and therefore its id will have non-zero values at levels 0-5 as well as its own level. Since these values correspond to its admins, all that is needed to know which hats have admin authorities over a given hat is to know that given hat's id.

Hat Tree Space

A hat tree can have up to 14 levels, plus the top hat (tree root). Within those 14 levels are 224 bits of address space (remember, one level contains 16 bits of space), so the maximum number of hats in a single hat tree is $2^{224} + 1 \approx ~2.696 * 10^{67}$, or well beyond the number of stars in the universe.

Displaying Hat Ids

It is recommended for front ends to instead convert hat ids to hexadecimal, revealing the values of the bytes — and therefore the hat levels — directly.

For example, instead of a hat id looking like this under base 10: 26960769438260605603848134863118277618512635038780455604427388092416

...under hexadecimal it would look like this: 0x0000000100020003000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

In this second version, you can see that this hat is...

  • a level 2 hat
  • is in the first hat tree (top hat id = 1)
  • is the third hat created at level 2 within this tree
  • admin'd by the second hat created at level 1 within this tree

We can also prettify this even further by separating hat levels with periods, a la IP addresses:


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Eligibility modules have authority to rule on the a) eligibility and b) good standing of wearer(s) of a given Hat.

Wearer Eligibility (A) determines whether a given address is eligible to wear the Hat. This applies both before and while the address wears the Hat. Consider the following scenarios for a given address:

EligibleNot Eligible
Doesn't wear the HatHat can be minted to the addressHat cannot be minted to the address
Currently wears the HatKeeps wearing the HatThe Hat is revoked

When a Hat is revoked, its token is burned.

Wearer Standing (B) determines whether a given address is in good or bad standing. Standing is stored on-chain in Hats.sol to facilitate accountability.

For example, a hatter contract implementing staking logic could slash a wearer's stake if they are placed in bad standing by the eligibility module.

An address placed in bad standing by a Hat's eligibility module automatically loses eligibility for that Hat. Note, though, that ineligibility does necessarily imply bad standing; it is possible for an address may be ineligible but in good standing.

Any address can serve as an eligibility module for a given Hat. Hats Protocol supports two categories of eligibility modules:

  1. Mechanistic eligibility are logic contracts that implement the IHatsEligibility interface, which enables the Hats contract to pull wearer standing by calling checkWearerStanding from within the Hats.balanceOf function. Mechanistic eligibility enables instantaneous revocation based on pre-defined triggers.
  2. Humanistic eligibility are either EOAs or governance contracts. To revoke a Hat, humanistic eligibility must push updates to the Hats contract by calling Hats.ruleOHatWearerStanding.

Unlike admins, eligibility modules are explicitly set as addresses, not Hats. This is to avoid long, potentially illegible, chains of revocation authority that can affect wearer penalties (such as slashed stake).

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Toggle contracts have authority to switch the status of a Hat, such as from active to inactive. When a Hat is inactive, it does not have any wearers (i.e., the balance of its previous wearers' is changed to 0).

Any address can serve as a Hat's toggle. As with eligibility modules, Hats Protocol supports two categories of toggle modules:

  1. Mechanistic toggles are logic contracts that implement the IHatsToggle interface, which enables the Hats contract to pull a Hat's active status by calling checkToggle from within the Hats.balanceOf function. Mechanistic toggle enable instantaneous deactivation (or reactivation) based on pre-defined logic, such as timestamps ("this Hat expires at the end of the year").
  2. Humanistic toggles are either EOAs or governance contracts. To deactivate (or reactivate) a Hat, humanistic toggles must push updates to the Hats contract by calling Hats.toggleHatStatus.

Unlike admins, toggle modules are explicitly set as addresses, not Hats.

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Hat Mutability

In some cases, a Hat's properties should be immutable to give everybody (particularly the wearer(s)) maximal confidence in what they are signing up for. But this certainty comes at the expense of flexibility, which is often valuable for DAOs as they evolve and learn more about what their various roles are all about. With this trade-off in mind, Hats can be created as either mutable or immutable.

An immutable Hat cannot be changed at all once it has been created. A mutable Hat can be changed after it has been created. Only its admin(s) can make the change.

Changes are allowed to the following Hat properties:

  • details
  • maxSupply - as long as the new maxSupply is not less than the current supply
  • eligibility
  • toggle
  • mutable - this is a one-way change
  • imageURI

Additionally, mutable hats can be transferred by their admins to a different wearer. Immutable hats cannot be transferred.

TopHat Exception

The only exception to the above mutability rules is for tophats, which despite being immutable are allowed to change their own details and imageURI (but not other properties).

Note that this only includes non-linked tophats; a tophat that has been linked (aka grafted) onto another hat tree is no longer considered a tophat, and therefore is subject to the same mutability rules as other hats.

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Hat Image URIs

Like any other NFT, Hats have images. The image for a given Hat is determined by the following logic:

  1. If the Hat's imageURI property is set, use that
  2. If the Hat's imageURI property is not set, then use the imageURI of the Hat's admin Hat
  3. If the admin Hat's imageURI property is not set, then use the imageURI of that Hat's admin
  4. Repeat (3) until you find an imageURI that is set
  5. If no set imageURI is found within the original Hat's hat tree (including the Tophat), then use the globalImageURI set in the Hats Protocol contract

This logic creates flexibility for DAOs to efficiently customize images for their Hats, while keeping images as optional.

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Creating a Hat

The creator of a Hat must be its admin. In other words, the admin of a Hat must be the msg.sender of the Hats.createHat function call. Though remember, by delegating its authority to a hatter contract, an admin can enable eligible others to create Hats based on whatever logic it desires.

Creating a Tophat (a Hat that serves as its own admin) requires a special function mintTophat, which creates a new Hat, sets that Hat as its own admin, and then mints its token to a _target. Any address wanting to create a Hat that is not already wearing an admin Hat of some kind must first create a Tophat with itself as the wearer.

Batch Creation

In some scenarios, a DAO may want to create many Hats at once -- including an entire hat tree -- at once. This is particularly useful when setting up an initial structure for a DAO or working group (e.g., from a Hats template) or when forking an existing Hats structure from a template.

Enabling this latter forking/exit scenario is an important protection for Hat wearers against potential abuse of power by their DAO.

To create a batch of Hats, a DAO can call the Hats.batchCreateHats() function. This function takes arrays as its arguments, from which it constructs multiple Hats. As long as each of these Hats is part of the same tree of Hats — i.e., they either have the same existing Hat or any of the newly created Hats as admin(s) — they can all be created together.

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Minting a Hat

Only a Hat's admin can mint its token to a wearer.

To mint a Hat, the Hat must be active, its max supply must not have already been reached, the target wearer must not already wear the Hat, and the target wearer must be eligible for the Hat.

A Hat's admin can mint its token individually by calling Hats.mintHat.

Batch Minting

An admin can also mint multiple Hats by calling Hats.batchMintHats. This enables an admin to mint instances of the same hat to multiple wearers, to mint several Hats at once, or even to mint an entire Hats tree it just created.

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Transferring a Hat

Only a Hat's admin can transfer its token(s) to new wearer(s).

Unlike typical tokens, the wearer of a Hat cannot transfer the Hat to another wallet. This is because the authorities and responsibilities associated with a Hat are delegated to, not owned by, the wearer.

As a result, there is no need for safe transfers (transfers which check whether the recipient supports ERC1155) or to pass data to recipient on1155Received or onERC1155BatchReceived hooks.

For these reasons, in Hats Protocol, the standard ERC1155 transfer functions — safeTransferFrom and safeBatchTransferFrom are disabled and will always revert. Similarly, token approvals are not required and setApprovalForAll will always revert.

As a replacement, Hats can be transferred by admins via Hats.transferHat, which emits the ERC1155 standard event TransferSingle. Transfer recipients must not already be wearing the hat, and must be eligible to wear the hat.

With the exception of tophats — which can always transfer themselves — only mutable Hats can be transferred. Inactive Hats cannot be transferred.

Hat Tree Grafting

Not all Hats trees will unfurl from top down or inside out. Sometimes, new branches will form independently from the main tree, or multiple trees will form before a main tree even exists.

In these cases, Hat trees can be grafted onto other trees. This is done via a request-approve process where the wearer of one tree's topHat requests to link their topHat to a hat in another tree, whose admin can approve if desired. This has three main effects:

  1. The linked tophat loses its topHat status (i.e., Hats.isTopHat will return false) and turns into what we call a "tree root" or "linked topHat", and
  2. The hat to which it is linked becomes its new admin; it is no longer its own admin
  3. On linking, the linked topHat can be assigned eligibility and/or toggle modules like any other hat

Linked Hat trees can also be unlinked by the tree root from its linked admin, via Hats.unlinkTopHatFromTree. This causes the tree root to regain its status as a top hat and to once again become its own admin. Any eligibility or toggle modules added on linking are cleared. Note that unlinking is only allowed if the tree root is active and has an eligible wearer.

⚠️ CAUTION: Be careful when nesting multiple Hat trees. If the nested linkages become too long, the higher level admins may lose control of the lowest level Hats because admin actions at that distance may cost-prohibitive or even exceed the gas limit. Best practice is to not attach external authorities (e.g. via token gating) to Hats in trees that are more than ~10 nested trees deep (varies by network).


Linked topHats can be relinked to a different Hat within the same tree. This is useful for DAOs that want to reorganize their subtrees without having to go through the request and approve steps. Valid relinks must meet the following criteria in order to ensure security:

  1. The Hat wearer executing the relink is an admin of both the linked topHat and the new admin (destination)
  2. The new admin (destination) is within the same local tree as the existing admin (origin), or within the tippy top hat's local tree. Tippy top hats executing a relink are not subject to these restrictions.
  3. The new link does not create a circular linkage.

Renouncing a Hat

The wearer of a Hat can "take off" their Hat via Hats.renounceHat. This burns the token and revokes any associated authorities and responsibilities from the now-former wearer, but does not put the wearer in bad standing.

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This contract inherits from Multicallable, which adds a non-payable multicall function to the contract. This enables EOAs to make multiple calls to the contract atomically, unlocking a number of useful batch operations that were previously only available to smart contracts.


Distributed under the AGPLv3 License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Spencer Graham - @spengrah

nintynick - @nintynick_

David Ehrlichman - @davehrlichman

Project Website:

Project Link:

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Emitted when user is attempting to perform an action on hatId but is not wearing one of hatId's admin hats

Can be equivalent to NotHatWearer(buildHatId(hatId)), such as when emitted by approveLinkTopHatToTree or relinkTopHatToTree

error NotAdmin(address user, uint256 hatId);


Emitted when attempting to perform an action as or for an account that is not a wearer of a given hat

error NotHatWearer();


Emitted when attempting to perform an action that requires being either an admin or wearer of a given hat

error NotAdminOrWearer();


Emitted when attempting to mint hatId but hatId's maxSupply has been reached

error AllHatsWorn(uint256 hatId);


Emitted when attempting to create a hat with a level 14 hat as its admin

error MaxLevelsReached();


Emitted when an attempted hat id has empty intermediate level(s)

error InvalidHatId();


Emitted when attempting to mint hatId to a wearer who is already wearing the hat

error AlreadyWearingHat(address wearer, uint256 hatId);


Emitted when attempting to mint a non-existant hat

error HatDoesNotExist(uint256 hatId);


Emmitted when attempting to mint or transfer a hat that is not active

error HatNotActive();


Emitted when attempting to mint or transfer a hat to an ineligible wearer

error NotEligible();


Emitted when attempting to check or set a hat's status from an account that is not that hat's toggle module

error NotHatsToggle();


Emitted when attempting to check or set a hat wearer's status from an account that is not that hat's eligibility module

error NotHatsEligibility();


Emitted when array arguments to a batch function have mismatching lengths

error BatchArrayLengthMismatch();


Emitted when attempting to mutate or transfer an immutable hat

error Immutable();


Emitted when attempting to change a hat's maxSupply to a value lower than its current supply

error NewMaxSupplyTooLow();


Emitted when attempting to link a tophat to a new admin for which the tophat serves as an admin

error CircularLinkage();


Emitted when attempting to link or relink a tophat to a separate tree

error CrossTreeLinkage();


Emitted when attempting to link a tophat without a request

error LinkageNotRequested();

Emitted when attempting to unlink a tophat that does not have a wearer

This ensures that unlinking never results in a bricked tophat

error InvalidUnlink();


Emmited when attempting to change a hat's eligibility or toggle module to the zero address

error ZeroAddress();


Emmitted when attempting to change a hat's details or imageURI to a string with over 7000 bytes (~characters)

This protects against a DOS attack where an admin iteratively extend's a hat's details or imageURI to be so long that reading it exceeds the block gas limit, breaking uri() and viewHat()

error StringTooLong();


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Emitted when a new hat is created

event HatCreated(
    uint256 id, string details, uint32 maxSupply, address eligibility, address toggle, bool mutable_, string imageURI


iduint256The id for the new hat
detailsstringA description of the Hat
maxSupplyuint32The total instances of the Hat that can be worn at once
eligibilityaddressThe address that can report on the Hat wearer's status
toggleaddressThe address that can deactivate the Hat
mutable_boolWhether the hat's properties are changeable after creation
imageURIstringThe image uri for this hat and the fallback for its


Emitted when a hat wearer's standing is updated

Eligibility is excluded since the source of truth for eligibility is the eligibility module and may change without a transaction

event WearerStandingChanged(uint256 hatId, address wearer, bool wearerStanding);


hatIduint256The id of the wearer's hat
weareraddressThe wearer's address
wearerStandingboolWhether the wearer is in good standing for the hat


Emitted when a hat's status is updated

event HatStatusChanged(uint256 hatId, bool newStatus);


hatIduint256The id of the hat
newStatusboolWhether the hat is active


Emitted when a hat's details are updated

event HatDetailsChanged(uint256 hatId, string newDetails);


hatIduint256The id of the hat
newDetailsstringThe updated details


Emitted when a hat's eligibility module is updated

event HatEligibilityChanged(uint256 hatId, address newEligibility);


hatIduint256The id of the hat
newEligibilityaddressThe updated eligibiliy module


Emitted when a hat's toggle module is updated

event HatToggleChanged(uint256 hatId, address newToggle);


hatIduint256The id of the hat
newToggleaddressThe updated toggle module


Emitted when a hat's mutability is updated

event HatMutabilityChanged(uint256 hatId);


hatIduint256The id of the hat


Emitted when a hat's maximum supply is updated

event HatMaxSupplyChanged(uint256 hatId, uint32 newMaxSupply);


hatIduint256The id of the hat
newMaxSupplyuint32The updated max supply


Emitted when a hat's image URI is updated

event HatImageURIChanged(uint256 hatId, string newImageURI);


hatIduint256The id of the hat
newImageURIstringThe updated image URI


Emitted when a tophat linkage is requested by its admin

event TopHatLinkRequested(uint32 domain, uint256 newAdmin);


domainuint32The domain of the tree tophat to link
newAdminuint256The tophat's would-be admin in the parent tree


Emitted when a tophat is linked to a another tree

event TopHatLinked(uint32 domain, uint256 newAdmin);


domainuint32The domain of the newly-linked tophat
newAdminuint256The tophat's new admin in the parent tree


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Inherits: IHatsIdUtilities, HatsErrors, HatsEvents



function mintTopHat(address _target, string memory _details, string memory _imageURI)
    returns (uint256 topHatId);


function createHat(
    uint256 _admin,
    string calldata _details,
    uint32 _maxSupply,
    address _eligibility,
    address _toggle,
    bool _mutable,
    string calldata _imageURI
) external returns (uint256 newHatId);


function batchCreateHats(
    uint256[] calldata _admins,
    string[] calldata _details,
    uint32[] calldata _maxSupplies,
    address[] memory _eligibilityModules,
    address[] memory _toggleModules,
    bool[] calldata _mutables,
    string[] calldata _imageURIs
) external returns (bool success);


function getNextId(uint256 _admin) external view returns (uint256 nextId);


function mintHat(uint256 _hatId, address _wearer) external returns (bool success);


function batchMintHats(uint256[] calldata _hatIds, address[] calldata _wearers) external returns (bool success);


function setHatStatus(uint256 _hatId, bool _newStatus) external returns (bool toggled);


function checkHatStatus(uint256 _hatId) external returns (bool toggled);


function setHatWearerStatus(uint256 _hatId, address _wearer, bool _eligible, bool _standing)
    returns (bool updated);


function checkHatWearerStatus(uint256 _hatId, address _wearer) external returns (bool updated);


function renounceHat(uint256 _hatId) external;


function transferHat(uint256 _hatId, address _from, address _to) external;


function makeHatImmutable(uint256 _hatId) external;


function changeHatDetails(uint256 _hatId, string memory _newDetails) external;


function changeHatEligibility(uint256 _hatId, address _newEligibility) external;


function changeHatToggle(uint256 _hatId, address _newToggle) external;


function changeHatImageURI(uint256 _hatId, string memory _newImageURI) external;


function changeHatMaxSupply(uint256 _hatId, uint32 _newMaxSupply) external;


function requestLinkTopHatToTree(uint32 _topHatId, uint256 _newAdminHat) external;


function approveLinkTopHatToTree(
    uint32 _topHatId,
    uint256 _newAdminHat,
    address _eligibility,
    address _toggle,
    string calldata _details,
    string calldata _imageURI
) external;


function unlinkTopHatFromTree(uint32 _topHatId, address _wearer) external;


function relinkTopHatWithinTree(
    uint32 _topHatDomain,
    uint256 _newAdminHat,
    address _eligibility,
    address _toggle,
    string calldata _details,
    string calldata _imageURI
) external;


function viewHat(uint256 _hatId)
    returns (
        string memory details,
        uint32 maxSupply,
        uint32 supply,
        address eligibility,
        address toggle,
        string memory imageURI,
        uint16 lastHatId,
        bool mutable_,
        bool active


function isWearerOfHat(address _user, uint256 _hatId) external view returns (bool isWearer);


function isAdminOfHat(address _user, uint256 _hatId) external view returns (bool isAdmin);


function isInGoodStanding(address _wearer, uint256 _hatId) external view returns (bool standing);


function isEligible(address _wearer, uint256 _hatId) external view returns (bool eligible);


function getHatEligibilityModule(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (address eligibility);


function getHatToggleModule(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (address toggle);


function getHatMaxSupply(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (uint32 maxSupply);


function hatSupply(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (uint32 supply);


function getImageURIForHat(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (string memory _uri);


function balanceOf(address wearer, uint256 hatId) external view returns (uint256 balance);


function balanceOfBatch(address[] calldata _wearers, uint256[] calldata _hatIds)
    returns (uint256[] memory);


function uri(uint256 id) external view returns (string memory _uri);


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Returns the status of a wearer for a given hat

If standing is false, eligibility MUST also be false

function getWearerStatus(address _wearer, uint256 _hatId) external view returns (bool eligible, bool standing);


_weareraddressThe address of the current or prospective Hat wearer
_hatIduint256The id of the hat in question


eligibleboolWhether the _wearer is eligible to wear the hat
standingboolWhether the _wearer is in goog standing


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function buildHatId(uint256 _admin, uint16 _newHat) external pure returns (uint256 id);


function getHatLevel(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (uint32 level);


function getLocalHatLevel(uint256 _hatId) external pure returns (uint32 level);


function isTopHat(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (bool _topHat);


function isLocalTopHat(uint256 _hatId) external pure returns (bool _localTopHat);


function isValidHatId(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (bool validHatId);


function getAdminAtLevel(uint256 _hatId, uint32 _level) external view returns (uint256 admin);


function getAdminAtLocalLevel(uint256 _hatId, uint32 _level) external pure returns (uint256 admin);


function getTopHatDomain(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (uint32 domain);


function getTippyTopHatDomain(uint32 _topHatDomain) external view returns (uint32 domain);


function noCircularLinkage(uint32 _topHatDomain, uint256 _linkedAdmin) external view returns (bool notCircular);


function sameTippyTopHatDomain(uint32 _topHatDomain, uint256 _newAdminHat) external view returns (bool sameDomain);


Git Source



function getHatStatus(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (bool);


Git Source

Inherits: IHats, ERC1155, Multicallable, HatsIdUtilities

Author: Haberdasher Labs

Hats are DAO-native, revocable, and programmable roles that are represented as non-transferable ERC-1155-similar tokens for composability

This is a multi-tenant contract that can manage all hats for a given chain. While it fully implements the ERC1155 interface, it does not fully comply with the ERC1155 standard.

State Variables


The name of the contract, typically including the version

string public name;


The first 4 bytes of the id of the last tophat created.

uint32 public lastTopHatId;


The fallback image URI for hat tokens with no imageURI specified in their branch

string public baseImageURI;


Internal mapping of hats to hat ids. See HatsIdUtilities.sol for more info on how hat ids work

mapping(uint256 => Hat) internal _hats;


Mapping of wearers in bad standing for certain hats

Used by external contracts to trigger penalties for wearers in bad standing hatId => wearer => !standing

mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => bool)) public badStandings;



All arguments are immutable; they can only be set once during construction

constructor(string memory _name, string memory _baseImageURI);


_namestringThe name of this contract, typically including the version
_baseImageURIstringThe fallback image URI


Creates and mints a Hat that is its own admin, i.e. a "topHat"

A topHat has no eligibility and no toggle

function mintTopHat(address _target, string calldata _details, string calldata _imageURI)
    returns (uint256 topHatId);


_targetaddressThe address to which the newly created topHat is minted
_detailsstringA description of the Hat [optional]. Should not be larger than 7000 bytes (enforced in changeHatDetails)
_imageURIstringThe image uri for this top hat and the fallback for its downstream hats [optional]. Should not be large than 7000 bytes (enforced in changeHatImageURI)


topHatIduint256The id of the newly created topHat


Creates a new hat. The msg.sender must wear the _admin hat.

Initializes a new Hat struct, but does not mint any tokens.

function createHat(
    uint256 _admin,
    string calldata _details,
    uint32 _maxSupply,
    address _eligibility,
    address _toggle,
    bool _mutable,
    string calldata _imageURI
) public returns (uint256 newHatId);


_adminuint256The id of the Hat that will control who wears the newly created hat
_detailsstringA description of the Hat. Should not be larger than 7000 bytes (enforced in changeHatDetails)
_maxSupplyuint32The total instances of the Hat that can be worn at once
_eligibilityaddressThe address that can report on the Hat wearer's status
_toggleaddressThe address that can deactivate the Hat
_mutableboolWhether the hat's properties are changeable after creation
_imageURIstringThe image uri for this hat and the fallback for its downstream hats [optional]. Should not be larger than 7000 bytes (enforced in changeHatImageURI)


newHatIduint256The id of the newly created Hat


Creates new hats in batch. The msg.sender must be an admin of each hat.

This is a convenience function that loops through the arrays and calls createHat.

function batchCreateHats(
    uint256[] calldata _admins,
    string[] calldata _details,
    uint32[] calldata _maxSupplies,
    address[] memory _eligibilityModules,
    address[] memory _toggleModules,
    bool[] calldata _mutables,
    string[] calldata _imageURIs
) public returns (bool success);


_adminsuint256[]Array of ids of admins for each hat to create
_detailsstring[]Array of details for each hat to create
_maxSuppliesuint32[]Array of supply caps for each hat to create
_eligibilityModulesaddress[]Array of eligibility module addresses for each hat to create
_toggleModulesaddress[]Array of toggle module addresses for each hat to create
_mutablesbool[]Array of mutable flags for each hat to create
_imageURIsstring[]Array of imageURIs for each hat to create


successboolTrue if all createHat calls succeeded


Gets the id of the next child hat of the hat _admin

Does not incrememnt lastHatId

function getNextId(uint256 _admin) public view returns (uint256 nextId);


_adminuint256The id of the hat to serve as the admin for the next child hat


nextIduint256The new hat id


Mints an ERC1155-similar token of the Hat to an eligible recipient, who then "wears" the hat

The msg.sender must wear an admin Hat of _hatId, and the recipient must be eligible to wear _hatId

function mintHat(uint256 _hatId, address _wearer) public returns (bool success);


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat to mint
_weareraddressThe address to which the Hat is minted


successboolWhether the mint succeeded


Mints new hats in batch. The msg.sender must be an admin of each hat.

This is a convenience function that loops through the arrays and calls mintHat.

function batchMintHats(uint256[] calldata _hatIds, address[] calldata _wearers) public returns (bool success);


_hatIdsuint256[]Array of ids of hats to mint
_wearersaddress[]Array of addresses to which the hats will be minted


successboolTrue if all mintHat calls succeeded


Toggles a Hat's status from active to deactive, or vice versa

The msg.sender must be set as the hat's toggle

function setHatStatus(uint256 _hatId, bool _newStatus) external returns (bool toggled);


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat for which to adjust status
_newStatusboolThe new status to set


toggledboolWhether the status was toggled


Checks a hat's toggle module and processes the returned status

May change the hat's status in storage

function checkHatStatus(uint256 _hatId) public returns (bool toggled);


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat whose toggle we are checking


toggledboolWhether there was a new status


function _pullHatStatus(Hat storage _hat, uint256 _hatId) internal view returns (bool success, bool newStatus);


Report from a hat's eligibility on the status of one of its wearers and, if false, revoke their hat

Burns the wearer's hat, if revoked

function setHatWearerStatus(uint256 _hatId, address _wearer, bool _eligible, bool _standing)
    returns (bool updated);


_hatIduint256The id of the hat
_weareraddressThe address of the hat wearer whose status is being reported
_eligibleboolWhether the wearer is eligible for the hat (will be revoked if false)
_standingboolFalse if the wearer is no longer in good standing (and potentially should be penalized)


updatedboolWhether the report succeeded


Check a hat's eligibility for a report on the status of one of the hat's wearers and, if false, revoke their hat

Burns the wearer's hat, if revoked

function checkHatWearerStatus(uint256 _hatId, address _wearer) public returns (bool updated);


_hatIduint256The id of the hat
_weareraddressThe address of the Hat wearer whose status report is being requested


updatedboolWhether the wearer's status was altered


Stop wearing a hat, aka "renounce" it

Burns the msg.sender's hat

function renounceHat(uint256 _hatId) external;


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat being renounced


Internal call for creating a new hat

Initializes a new Hat in storage, but does not mint any tokens

function _createHat(
    uint256 _id,
    string calldata _details,
    uint32 _maxSupply,
    address _eligibility,
    address _toggle,
    bool _mutable,
    string calldata _imageURI
) internal;


_iduint256ID of the hat to be stored
_detailsstringA description of the hat
_maxSupplyuint32The total instances of the Hat that can be worn at once
_eligibilityaddressThe address that can report on the Hat wearer's status
_toggleaddressThe address that can deactivate the hat [optional]
_mutableboolWhether the hat's properties are changeable after creation
_imageURIstringThe image uri for this top hat and the fallback for its downstream hats [optional]


Internal function to process hat status

Updates a hat's status if different from current

function _processHatStatus(uint256 _hatId, bool _newStatus) internal returns (bool updated);


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat in quest
_newStatusboolThe status to potentially change to


updatedbool- Whether the status was updated


Internal call to process wearer status from the eligibility module

Burns the wearer's Hat token if _eligible is false, and updates badStandings state if necessary

function _processHatWearerStatus(uint256 _hatId, address _wearer, bool _eligible, bool _standing)
    returns (bool updated);


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat to revoke
_weareraddressThe address of the wearer in question
_eligibleboolWhether _wearer is eligible for the Hat (if false, this function will revoke their Hat)
_standingboolWhether _wearer is in good standing (to be recorded in storage)


updatedboolWhether the wearer standing was updated


Internal function to set a hat's status in storage

Flips the 0th bit of _hat.config via bitwise operation

function _setHatStatus(Hat storage _hat, bool _status) internal;


_hatHatThe hat object
_statusboolThe status to set for the hat


Internal function to retrieve an account's internal "static" balance directly from internal storage,

This function bypasses the dynamic _isActive and _isEligible checks

function _staticBalanceOf(address _account, uint256 _hatId) internal view returns (uint256 staticBalance);


_accountaddressThe account to check
_hatIduint256The hat to check


staticBalanceuint256The account's static of the hat, from internal storage


Checks whether msg.sender is an admin of a hat, and reverts if not

function _checkAdmin(uint256 _hatId) internal view;


checks whether the msg.sender is either an admin or wearer or a hat, and reverts the appropriate error if not

function _checkAdminOrWearer(uint256 _hatId) internal view;


Transfers a hat from one wearer to another eligible wearer

The hat must be mutable, and the transfer must be initiated by an admin

function transferHat(uint256 _hatId, address _from, address _to) public;


_hatIduint256The hat in question
_fromaddressThe current wearer
_toaddressThe new wearer


Set a mutable hat to immutable

Sets the second bit of hat.config to 0

function makeHatImmutable(uint256 _hatId) external;


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat to make immutable


Change a hat's details

Hat must be mutable, except for tophats.

function changeHatDetails(uint256 _hatId, string calldata _newDetails) external;


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat to change
_newDetailsstringThe new details. Must not be larger than 7000 bytes.


Change a hat's details

Hat must be mutable

function changeHatEligibility(uint256 _hatId, address _newEligibility) external;


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat to change
_newEligibilityaddressThe new eligibility module


Change a hat's details

Hat must be mutable

function changeHatToggle(uint256 _hatId, address _newToggle) external;


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat to change
_newToggleaddressThe new toggle module


Change a hat's details

Hat must be mutable, except for tophats

function changeHatImageURI(uint256 _hatId, string calldata _newImageURI) external;


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat to change
_newImageURIstringThe new imageURI. Must not be larger than 7000 bytes.


Change a hat's details

Hat must be mutable; new max supply cannot be less than current supply

function changeHatMaxSupply(uint256 _hatId, uint32 _newMaxSupply) external;


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat to change
_newMaxSupplyuint32The new max supply


Submits a request to link a Hat Tree under a parent tree. Requests can be submitted by either... a) the wearer of a topHat, previous to any linkage, or b) the admin(s) of an already-linked topHat (aka tree root), where such a request is to move the tree root to another admin within the same parent tree

A topHat can have at most 1 request at a time. Submitting a new request will replace the existing request.

function requestLinkTopHatToTree(uint32 _topHatDomain, uint256 _requestedAdminHat) external;


_topHatDomainuint32The domain of the topHat to link
_requestedAdminHatuint256The hat that will administer the linked tree


Approve a request to link a Tree under a parent tree, with options to add eligibility or toggle modules and change its metadata

Requests can only be approved by wearer or an admin of the _newAdminHat, and there can only be one link per tree root at a given time.

function approveLinkTopHatToTree(
    uint32 _topHatDomain,
    uint256 _newAdminHat,
    address _eligibility,
    address _toggle,
    string calldata _details,
    string calldata _imageURI
) external;


_topHatDomainuint32The 32 bit domain of the topHat to link
_newAdminHatuint256The hat that will administer the linked tree
_eligibilityaddressOptional new eligibility module for the linked topHat
_toggleaddressOptional new toggle module for the linked topHat
_detailsstringOptional new details for the linked topHat
_imageURIstringOptional new imageURI for the linked topHat


Unlink a Tree from the parent tree

*This can only be called by an admin of the tree root. Fails if the topHat to unlink has no non-zero wearer, which can occur if...

  • It's wearer is in badStanding
  • It has been revoked from its wearer (and possibly burned)˘
  • It is not active (ie toggled off)*
function unlinkTopHatFromTree(uint32 _topHatDomain, address _wearer) external;


_topHatDomainuint32The 32 bit domain of the topHat to unlink
_weareraddressThe current wearer of the topHat to unlink


Move a tree root to a different position within the same parent tree, without a request. Valid destinations include within the same local tree as the origin, or to the local tree of the tippyTopHat. TippyTopHat wearers can bypass this restriction to relink to anywhere in its full tree.

Caller must be both an admin tree root and admin or wearer of _newAdminHat.

function relinkTopHatWithinTree(
    uint32 _topHatDomain,
    uint256 _newAdminHat,
    address _eligibility,
    address _toggle,
    string calldata _details,
    string calldata _imageURI
) external;


_topHatDomainuint32The 32 bit domain of the topHat to relink
_newAdminHatuint256The new admin for the linked tree
_eligibilityaddressOptional new eligibility module for the linked topHat
_toggleaddressOptional new toggle module for the linked topHat
_detailsstringOptional new details for the linked topHat
_imageURIstringOptional new imageURI for the linked topHat


Internal function to link a Tree under a parent Tree, with protection against circular linkages and relinking to a separate Tree, with options to add eligibility or toggle modules and change its metadata

Linking _topHatDomain replaces any existing links

function _linkTopHatToTree(
    uint32 _topHatDomain,
    uint256 _newAdminHat,
    address _eligibility,
    address _toggle,
    string calldata _details,
    string calldata _imageURI
) internal;


_topHatDomainuint32The 32 bit domain of the topHat to link
_newAdminHatuint256The new admin for the linked tree
_eligibilityaddressOptional new eligibility module for the linked topHat
_toggleaddressOptional new toggle module for the linked topHat
_detailsstringOptional new details for the linked topHat
_imageURIstringOptional new imageURI for the linked topHat


View the properties of a given Hat

function viewHat(uint256 _hatId)
    returns (
        string memory details,
        uint32 maxSupply,
        uint32 supply,
        address eligibility,
        address toggle,
        string memory imageURI,
        uint16 lastHatId,
        bool mutable_,
        bool active


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat


detailsstringThe details of the Hat
maxSupplyuint32The max supply of tokens for this Hat
supplyuint32The number of current wearers of this Hat
eligibilityaddressThe eligibility address for this Hat
toggleaddressThe toggle address for this Hat
imageURIstringThe image URI used for this Hat
lastHatIduint16The most recently created Hat with this Hat as admin; also the count of Hats with this Hat as admin
mutable_boolWhether this hat's properties can be changed
activeboolWhether the Hat is current active, as read from _isActive


Checks whether a given address wears a given Hat

Convenience function that wraps balanceOf

function isWearerOfHat(address _user, uint256 _hatId) public view returns (bool isWearer);


_useraddressThe address in question
_hatIduint256The id of the Hat that the _user might wear


isWearerboolWhether the _user wears the Hat.


Checks whether a given address serves as the admin of a given Hat

Recursively checks if _user wears the admin Hat of the Hat in question. This is recursive since there may be a string of Hats as admins of Hats.

function isAdminOfHat(address _user, uint256 _hatId) public view returns (bool isAdmin);


_useraddressThe address in question
_hatIduint256The id of the Hat for which the _user might be the admin


isAdminboolWhether the _user has admin rights for the Hat


Checks the active status of a hat

For internal use instead of isActive when passing Hat as param is preferable

function _isActive(Hat storage _hat, uint256 _hatId) internal view returns (bool active);


_hatHatThe Hat struct
_hatIduint256The id of the hat


activeboolThe active status of the hat


Checks the active status of a hat

function isActive(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (bool active);


_hatIduint256The id of the hat


activeboolWhether the hat is active


Internal function to retrieve a hat's status from storage

reads the 0th bit of the hat's config

function _getHatStatus(Hat storage _hat) internal view returns (bool status);


_hatHatThe hat object


statusboolWhether the hat is active


Internal function to retrieve a hat's mutability setting

reads the 1st bit of the hat's config

function _isMutable(Hat storage _hat) internal view returns (bool _mutable);


_hatHatThe hat object


_mutableboolWhether the hat is mutable


Checks whether a wearer of a Hat is in good standing

function isInGoodStanding(address _wearer, uint256 _hatId) public view returns (bool standing);


_weareraddressThe address of the Hat wearer
_hatIduint256The id of the Hat


standingboolWhether the wearer is in good standing


Internal call to check whether an address is eligible for a given Hat

Tries an external call to the Hat's eligibility module, defaulting to existing badStandings state if the call fails (ie if the eligibility module address does not conform to the IHatsEligibility interface)

function _isEligible(address _wearer, Hat storage _hat, uint256 _hatId) internal view returns (bool eligible);


_weareraddressThe address of the Hat wearer
_hatHatThe Hat object
_hatIduint256The id of the Hat


eligibleboolWhether the wearer is eligible for the Hat


Checks whether an address is eligible for a given Hat

Public function for use when passing a Hat object is not possible or preferable

function isEligible(address _wearer, uint256 _hatId) public view returns (bool eligible);


_weareraddressThe address to check
_hatIduint256The id of the Hat


eligibleboolWhether the wearer is eligible for the Hat


Gets the current supply of a Hat

Only tracks explicit burns and mints, not dynamic revocations

function hatSupply(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (uint32 supply);


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat


supplyuint32The current supply of the Hat


Gets the eligibility module for a hat

function getHatEligibilityModule(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (address eligibility);


_hatIduint256The hat whose eligibility module we're looking for


eligibilityaddressThe eligibility module for this hat


Gets the toggle module for a hat

function getHatToggleModule(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (address toggle);


_hatIduint256The hat whose toggle module we're looking for


toggleaddressThe toggle module for this hat


Gets the max supply for a hat

function getHatMaxSupply(uint256 _hatId) external view returns (uint32 maxSupply);


_hatIduint256The hat whose max supply we're looking for


maxSupplyuint32The maximum possible quantity of this hat that could be minted


Gets the imageURI for a given hat

If this hat does not have an imageURI set, recursively get the imageURI from its admin

function getImageURIForHat(uint256 _hatId) public view returns (string memory _uri);


_hatIduint256The hat whose imageURI we're looking for


_uristringThe imageURI of this hat or, if empty, its admin


Constructs the URI for a Hat, using data from the Hat struct

function _constructURI(uint256 _hatId) internal view returns (string memory _uri);


_hatIduint256The id of the Hat


_uristringAn ERC1155-compatible JSON string


Gets the Hat token balance of a user for a given Hat

Balance is dynamic based on the hat's status and wearer's eligibility, so off-chain balance data indexed from events may not be in sync

function balanceOf(address _wearer, uint256 _hatId) public view override(ERC1155, IHats) returns (uint256 balance);


_weareraddressThe address whose balance is being checked
_hatIduint256The id of the Hat


balanceuint256The wearer's balance of the Hat tokens. Can never be > 1.


Internal call to mint a Hat token to a wearer

Unsafe if called when _wearer has a non-zero balance of _hatId

function _mintHat(address _wearer, uint256 _hatId) internal;


_weareraddressThe wearer of the Hat and the recipient of the newly minted token
_hatIduint256The id of the Hat to mint


Internal call to burn a wearer's Hat token

Unsafe if called when _wearer doesn't have a zero balance of _hatId

function _burnHat(address _wearer, uint256 _hatId) internal;


_weareraddressThe wearer from which to burn the Hat token
_hatIduint256The id of the Hat to burn


Approvals are not necessary for Hats since transfers are not handled by the wearer

Admins should use transferHat() to transfer

function setApprovalForAll(address, bool) public pure override;


Safe transfers are not necessary for Hats since transfers are not handled by the wearer

Admins should use transferHat() to transfer

function safeTransferFrom(address, address, uint256, uint256, bytes calldata) public pure override;


Safe transfers are not necessary for Hats since transfers are not handled by the wearer

function safeBatchTransferFrom(address, address, uint256[] calldata, uint256[] calldata, bytes calldata)


ERC165 interface detection

While Hats Protocol conforms to the ERC1155 interface, it does not fully conform to the ERC1155 specification since it does not implement the ERC1155Receiver functionality. For this reason, this function overrides the ERC1155 implementation to return false for ERC1155.

function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public pure override returns (bool);


interfaceIdbytes4The interface identifier, as specified in ERC-165


<none>boolbool True if the contract implements interfaceId and false otherwise


Batch retrieval for wearer balances

Given the higher gas overhead of Hats balanceOf checks, large batches may be high cost or run into gas limits

function balanceOfBatch(address[] calldata _wearers, uint256[] calldata _hatIds)
    override(ERC1155, IHats)
    returns (uint256[] memory balances);


_wearersaddress[]Array of addresses to check balances for
_hatIdsuint256[]Array of Hat ids to check, using the same index as _wearers


View the uri for a Hat

function uri(uint256 id) public view override(ERC1155, IHats) returns (string memory _uri);


iduint256The id of the Hat


_uristringAn 1155-compatible JSON object



This contract's version is labeled v1. Previous versions labeled similarly as v1 and v1.0 are deprecated, and should be treated as beta deployments.

A Hat object containing the hat's properties

The members are packed to minimize storage costs

struct Hat {
    address eligibility;
    uint32 maxSupply;
    uint32 supply;
    uint16 lastHatId;
    address toggle;
    uint96 config;
    string details;
    string imageURI;


Git Source

see HatsErrors.sol for description

error MaxLevelsReached();


Git Source

Inherits: IHatsIdUtilities

Author: Haberdasher Labs

Functions for working with Hat Ids from Hats Protocol. Factored out of Hats.sol for easier use by other contracts.

State Variables


Mapping of tophats requesting to link to admin hats in other trees

Linkage only occurs if request is approved by the new admin

mapping(uint32 => uint256) public linkedTreeRequests;


Mapping of approved & linked tophats to admin hats in other trees, used for grafting one hats tree onto another

Trees can only be linked to another tree via their tophat

mapping(uint32 => uint256) public linkedTreeAdmins;


Hat Ids serve as addresses. A given Hat's Id represents its location in its hat tree: its level, its admin, its admin's admin (etc, all the way up to the tophat). The top level consists of 4 bytes and references all tophats. Each level below consists of 16 bits, and contains up to 65,536 child hats. A uint256 contains 4 bytes of space for tophat addresses, giving room for ((256 - 32) / 16) = 14 levels of delegation, with the admin at each level having space for 65,536 different child hats. A hat tree consists of a single tophat and has a max depth of 14 levels.

Number of bits of address space for tophat ids, ie the tophat domain

uint256 internal constant TOPHAT_ADDRESS_SPACE = 32;


Number of bits of address space for each level below the tophat

uint256 internal constant LOWER_LEVEL_ADDRESS_SPACE = 16;


Maximum number of levels below the tophat, ie max tree depth (256 - TOPHAT_ADDRESS_SPACE) / LOWER_LEVEL_ADDRESS_SPACE;

uint256 internal constant MAX_LEVELS = 14;



Constructs a valid hat id for a new hat underneath a given admin

Reverts if the admin has already reached MAX_LEVELS

function buildHatId(uint256 _admin, uint16 _newHat) public pure returns (uint256 id);


_adminuint256the id of the admin for the new hat
_newHatuint16the uint16 id of the new hat


iduint256The constructed hat id


Identifies the level a given hat in its hat tree

function getHatLevel(uint256 _hatId) public view returns (uint32 level);


_hatIduint256the id of the hat in question


leveluint32(0 to type(uint32).max)


Identifies the level a given hat in its local hat tree

Similar to getHatLevel, but does not account for linked trees

function getLocalHatLevel(uint256 _hatId) public pure returns (uint32 level);


_hatIduint256the id of the hat in question


leveluint32The local level, from 0 to 14


Checks whether a hat is a topHat

function isTopHat(uint256 _hatId) public view returns (bool _isTopHat);


_hatIduint256The hat in question


_isTopHatboolWhether the hat is a topHat


Checks whether a hat is a topHat in its local hat tree

Similar to isTopHat, but does not account for linked trees

function isLocalTopHat(uint256 _hatId) public pure returns (bool _isLocalTopHat);


_hatIduint256The hat in question


_isLocalTopHatboolWhether the hat is a topHat for its local tree


function isValidHatId(uint256 _hatId) public pure returns (bool validHatId);


Gets the hat id of the admin at a given level of a given hat

This function traverses trees by following the linkedTreeAdmin pointer to a hat located in a different tree

function getAdminAtLevel(uint256 _hatId, uint32 _level) public view returns (uint256 admin);


_hatIduint256the id of the hat in question
_leveluint32the admin level of interest


adminuint256The hat id of the resulting admin


Gets the hat id of the admin at a given level of a given hat local to the tree containing the hat.

function getAdminAtLocalLevel(uint256 _hatId, uint32 _level) public pure returns (uint256 admin);


_hatIduint256the id of the hat in question
_leveluint32the admin level of interest


adminuint256The hat id of the resulting admin


Gets the tophat domain of a given hat

A domain is the identifier for a given hat tree, stored in the first 4 bytes of a hat's id

function getTopHatDomain(uint256 _hatId) public pure returns (uint32 domain);


_hatIduint256the id of the hat in question


domainuint32The domain of the hat's tophat


Gets the domain of the highest parent tophat — the "tippy tophat"

function getTippyTopHatDomain(uint32 _topHatDomain) public view returns (uint32 domain);


_topHatDomainuint32the 32 bit domain of a (likely linked) tophat


domainuint32The tippy tophat domain


Checks For any circular linkage of trees

function noCircularLinkage(uint32 _topHatDomain, uint256 _linkedAdmin) public view returns (bool notCircular);


_topHatDomainuint32the 32 bit domain of the tree to be linked
_linkedAdminuint256the hatId of the potential tree admin


notCircularboolcircular link has not been found


Checks that a tophat domain and its potential linked admin are from the same tree, ie have the same tippy tophat domain

function sameTippyTopHatDomain(uint32 _topHatDomain, uint256 _newAdminHat) public view returns (bool sameDomain);


_topHatDomainuint32The 32 bit domain of the tophat to be linked
_newAdminHatuint256The new admin for the linked tree


sameDomainboolWhether the _topHatDomain and the domain of its potential linked _newAdminHat domains are the same